The Ham Store

The Store that sells quality used Ham at discount prices

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Location: Peteborough, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The end is in sight

These are some pictures of the backroom we have been working on since the day after we moved in. The part of the wall with the big beam exposed is going to be a bookcase that we are building today. We are using the old barn board that came out of the walls and ceiling in the room for the shelves. The beams in this room took about 3 days of sanding to get to what you see in the pictures. The one over the bookcase is really rough as it was squared off with an axe back when they build the summer kitchen. I should mention that all the floors we have refinished had to be sanded by hand as they have been done a few times before and are too thin to be done the easy way. The back room is 16 x 19 and took the two of us a long day just to sand. On the up side they come out looking awesome and really suit the old house. We have actually moved into this room now but it is doubling as tool strorage so I will post some more pics when it's actually done. We are hoping to be done pretty much all of the renovations this weekend so I should have some more pics soon.

Well The old house is finaly finished having the facelift on the outside or atleast until we can paint this summer. The Cariage house out back should be the bigest project. We are going to presurewash it to get the old paint off then spray it with paint but we will have to wait for a day with no wind so it may be a while.

This is the best pic I could get for the Stained glass we had put in the cabinet in the kitchen. It was made right here in town by a lady from England. The picture really doesn't do it justice.

Many thanks to Greg Lydon for his advice on this little expreriment. It worked awesome. I still haven't put the fabric back on it as I wanted to see if it was going to be ok. So far we have slept on it 3 nights and still nothing has gone wrong.

This is our current nightmare. We pulled up the carpet in the entryway and it left glue on every square inch of the floor and the stairs. This after only a few hours of sanding so it should be done today then onto the stairs.... good times had by all.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

This Old House

Well we have been in our new house for about 2 months now so I figured I would put up some pictures of it. Not to mention that it's been about six months since my last post so it's about that time of year. This is it and keep in mind it is still very much a work in progress. The new siding should be done this week so I will try to get those pics up soon and there is not much we can do about the green until summer so we will live it.

This is the room that now has our kitchen in it.

This was our original kitchen.

This is the very much under construction bathroom/Laundry room that we have put in where the old kitchen was. The french doors will not be in for another week so the guests don't seem to like it very much.

The new kitchen minus the backsplash, wallpaper and some order to it.

This is the old summer kitchen at the back of the house. This room has almost killed me a number of times. I fear that I have so many bad memories froom attempting to work on it that I will not recover. Nikki and her Dad, Paul can attest to that for sure.

The summer kitchen has almost been transformed into the living room. We are just waiting for the mud/tape guy to start this weekend. After all the work we have put into it we figured we best get a pro to finish off the job so it looks as good as we think it will.

Yes when we first moved in we had our own elevator. Pretty sweet ride but thanks to Paul we are finaly rid of it. It was cool while it lasted. The entire upstairs, trim and all was covered in that same light blue paint.

Nikki loved it almost as much as I did.

The new hall minus the chair ride. I don't have any pics of the upstairs with the old carpet on it. Nic is scraping the insane amount of glue they used to get the carpet on over the hardwood.

This is the computer room... somewhat done besides it being a temporary storage room. We had to put in new hardwood since we ripped up the carpet after we had used it as a drop sheet while painting and dicovered plywood underneith.

This is our bedroom that is pretty much finished minus the bed. It doesn't really bring much to the table anyway as it's only the mattress since the boxspring is too big to fit up the stairs. We are going to take it apart and hopefully reassemble it upstairs... I will let you know once we fail miserably and post pics of a once useful boxspring.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Heading East

Well I never update this blog as the usual details to my tright and meaningless life don't seem worthy of the effort. This day is not the the norm. Nicole and I are making the big journey home(home for her and close enough to home for me). We are moving to Peterborough Ontario. We have already rented a house on a lake just outside town for 5 months to see if this is the place for us. If not then NB could be the next stop on what may be a long quest to find a place we want to stay for a while. We have lots of extra rooms if anybody wants to visit.

It's funny when you think about how much your life changes in a relatively small amount of time. Three and a half years ago I moved to BC on a plane with 2 hockey bags and some golf clubs. Since then I have accumulated a girlfriend, 2 dogs, a cat, 2 taranchulas and enough random items to warrant a 55 foot transport truck. Mind you we are shipping 2 vehicles back with the rest of our belongings and the movers have told us that there is no way our stuff will come close to filling said truck.

The movers will be here on Monday November 6th and we should be leaving soon after they do. We are driving accross with our "little family". It should be interesting to say the least as the cat is not a big fan of being in a box or new places and I am sure the dogs will be going a little stir crazy by the end of the trip. Once we get to Onatario we are going to relax for a few days then on to NB for a week or so visit. In memory of our time here in BC I will post some pics from over the years. We will both miss it here and all of the great people we have met but home is where the heart is and I have been away too long.


PS I will try to keep this thing updated but I think the computer is going to get packed this weekend so it may be a month or so before you see anything.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I am reading a book on useless facts and yes the debate is over... The Belgians claim to have invented french fries 50 years before the the french. It also said that 40% of Belgians speak french so they can take the the credit. The book also named the worlds largest producer of french fries as our very own McCain Foods in Florenceville, NB. McCain's has 30 potato processing plants on 6 continents. "Catch de taste" all over the globe!! Shit yeah is all I can say to that.

Keepin' it real,


Friday, February 24, 2006

Have you seen him?

I think he has his own milk carton... Just wondering if anybody has heard from Sean Buck lately? If you have any idea what his phone number or e-mail are let me know. I hope you see this North as the Animal Chin reference may be lost on most.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

To blog or not to blog

I must admit when I found out everyboby had a blog but me so I figured I better get on it. Well that was about 2 months ago and still just the same one post on my blog (Lydon mentioned this last weekend). There are many reasons for this... of course lazyness is always a prevailing factor in my life. You all remember the "Home Sweet Home Page" and the fact that it gets updated about every year to year and a half. By the way if you have new contact information or you aren't on the contact list you should send in the info and I will do my best to get it up in a timely fashion:)

Now the main reason for the lack of content on this blog is the theme... what the hell to put on it. Weson and Julie have the baby, Barry and Teresa have their trip to india, North and Lydsay live in a far off land, Simon is, well Simon, etc... I have no children that I know of, am not on big trip or living a crazy place like Taiwan and spend most of my nights watching my big ass tv. I didn't think any of it as being blog worthy. Lets face facts I do have the time and do enough interesting things but seem to have been lacking in the motivation department. This is going to change. I was thinking my life was pretty boring and I didn't have much to write about but since Christmas I have gone to a cabin in the mountains/cross country skiing with Nicole, my girlfriend. Yeah I know what you are thinking.... Hammy cross country skiing??? Actually really fun and we will be going back soon. I wish I had a picture to prove it. The Dish came to visit for a week, Mike Mitchell droped in for a night and the whole Lydon family was just here for a visit as well. Not to mention I live in one the most beautiful parts of Canada. So I will have no theme other than completely random events in my life. Oh yeah this picture was taken in my backyard last April when I lived in the Orchard in Kelowna.

By the way did you know that 2/3rds of the lawyers in the world live in the US. LA has more judges all of France. Washington, DC has one lawyer for every 25 men, women and children. God Bless America!!

Peace in the Middle East,


Friday, December 16, 2005

Blog me on Saturday night or loose me forever

What the hell does Blog mean??? I can't believe that everybody has a blog but me... I am a nerd! North: Don't hate me because I am beautiful (Nerds are beautiful too).

Lovin' the Blog,
